Redirection Page : The Doujin Circle UDON-YA’s (うどんや) Works on HentaiRules
(“My semen, to be precise“, hu hu hu, I always laugh at this moment, what did the scanlator smoke before writing this I always wonder ^^)
THIS is the page I will update with the list of all the works by the circle UDON-YA (ウドンヤ/ Udonya) that I share on HentaiRules. UDON-YA’s known members are Kizuki Aruchu (鬼月あるちゅ / キヅキアルチュ / Kigetsu Aruchu / Onitsuki Aruchu / Onizuki Aruchu), Kiru (鬼瑠 / キル) and ZAN. The majority of UDON-YA’s releases are drawn by Kizuki Aruchu.
UDON-YA succeeds in a very difficult task : To create drawings that are delicate, well drawn, with thin soft lines and soft body curves, and that are super hardcore (oral, vaginal, anal, and DPs) at the same time, it’s cool
Here are the covers of the works by UDON-YA shared on HentaiRules, and below them are the links to the gallery and download pages.
Note: If you’re looking for Agitated Breasts or Greek Summer, they are now both part of Maid Bride!
Black 99% [English] (Fate/Hallow Ataraxia hentai doujinshi)
Black X Gold [English, Uncensored] (Fate/Stay Night hentai doujinshi)
Note: Part of a pack of two mangas by UDON-YA.
Furohile Zero [English, Full Color]
Kyou Dake Desu [English] (Fate/Stay Night hentai doujinshi)
Maid Bride [English, 238 pictures]
Note: Chapters 1-5 are decensored.
Monhan No Ero Hon volumes 1-14 [English, Some Uncensored]
(Monster Hunter hentai doujinshi)
Note: It’s a single download for every volume.
Sweetish Fellow [English] (Fate/Stay Night hentai doujinshi)
Udon-Ya really is a genius in drawing Fate/ Stay Night (Saber) and Monster Hunter characters. There are so much detail in his work!
Hey Oliver. U put Geek Summer in Udon-ya's redirection page. I don't think he's the one he drew it.
Haha :p
Kizuki Aruchi and Udon-Ya are much more the same artist as you seem to think

I'll let you google that
can you make a pack for maid bride 5-9
beacuse u have a 1-5 8-9 and 1-9 pack
its a bit hard to download while i am capped
thank you for this! Udon-Ya is one of my favorites along with gunma kisaragi.
I belive geek summer is part of the maid bride tanboukon along with a few other chapters that you have missing.
full version of maid bride in japanese for those that can read it is here:
one of the beat artist there is!
waiting for monhun no erohon 11
This guy is the top 5 gods of hentai! I don't care what the real statistics say! He's THAT good!
Look like collection miss Monhun-no-ero 10.5?Right?
Got it all, *fist pump of jubilation*.
Thanks for the upload.
You're wrong.
Geek Summer is the [Udon-Ya (Onitsuki Aruthu)] Otanatsu (
Udon-Ya (Kizuki Aruchu, Kigetsu Aruchyu, Onitsuki Aruthu), many names of Udon-Ya.
Awesome! Capcom just announced Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the Wii U!
I agree with you; #13 wasn't as..arousing as the rest in the series.
{Personally I want to see more of the Nara girl and her disciple—reminds me of me and my boyfriend ^__^}
One might wish to see at least the "Maid Bride" arc get an H-animation treatment (provided it's done decently). ^_^
Shit, that would be frigging awesome O_O
> h-anime
> done decently
Some are done well.
Like Urushihara's adaptation, Lady Innocent. Great one.
Hi Oliver sama. Can u tell me if they are an artbook from udon-ya’s group?
Thanks for ure hardwork 😉