Queen’s Blade hentai doujin [English, 58 pictures] : QB, by Hellabuna Giant Comics

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 8 comments
Great drawings, stupid scenario

Why, O why, O Great Pastafari, must a great artist like Hellabuna waste a part of his talent on worthless shitty hentai rape scenarii ? Why ?? :sad:

In a more down to earth tone, let us precise this new Hellabuna doujin features two hot blonde sisters climaxing almost on every page of the doujin, having lots of cool gangbang sex, except that this is hentai rape, they try to resist the pleasure instead of letting go and enjoying the moment. And that almost killed my wood :-/

I’d say : if you can enjoy the drawings and ignore the scenario, you’re going to have a great time ;)
(For more stuff, Cf. the list of ALL Hellabuna’s works on Hentairules)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(18 MB, 58 pictures, English)
(please, is there a chance you can use this link ? That will generate a tiny bonus for me, thank you very much if that’s possible for you ! :) )

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15 years ago

I can appreciate that you don’t like the scenario, but it seems kind of obnoxious reading your post bitching about it-it’s like you’re criticizing those of us who don’t mind those scenarios! You’ve personally hurt my feelings man. Seriously. Not cool. I’m going to go into the corner and cry for a few days now. While fapping to this doujin.

15 years ago

It’s fine to have your own opinion, but don’t crush him for giving his view. It’s great uploads/shares all of these great translated doujins. Especially some like this queen’s blade or the recent batch of to-love-ru.

Oh and by the way I don’t know if it’s something weird with my computer but when I download off of depositfiles, it usually stops the download half way and then corrupts. 9 times out of 10. I’m using the latest mozilla with xp, so don’t know what the issue might be.

15 years ago

Hahaha…you said it *almost* killed your wood.

15 years ago

Many thanx Oliver.

15 years ago

Rape or not, Quewen’s Blade cant be bad. Shame I cant afford that Menas figurine.

15 years ago

The maker of this comic should be given a death penalty for not giving males an eye. You might as well, since you include THE NOSE, and THE SHITTY SMILE THAT I WOULD LIKE TO BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF. Obviously, this artist is a sheep.

15 years ago

Somebody called for an exterminator ? Ill make sure Hellabunna stays in “hell” like his namesake HA HA XD.

Bloosy waste of pages and skill, imo.

15 years ago

Yeah, its wierd, there are plenty of non-humiliation/rape stories that Hellabunna has done. You can see them in the collection “Gakkou no Himitsu”

But the ones that are getting translated are the rape ones…..ugh.