All Out Desire Girl [English], by Isorashi

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 12 comments
Tags: comedy

A little hentai gem =)

Here’s a little hentai gem I’ve kept on my hard disk for too long :) This is the story of a girl with a useless Super Power, she can stop time 12 seconds per day. We’re in the hentai world, so of course, she saved it all during a year in order to have her personal fuckest with her favorite classmate’s frozen body… And, of cours, things go wrong :D I’ll let you read the rest, this is too hilarious ^_^

By the same artist, under the names Isorashi and Igarashi Shouno, I also share Ooo-zuki Na Boku No Yome Ga Onna Kyoushi Na Ke (201 pictures), Itazura Temancho (“Finger-bang Mischief”, 194 pictures), Sex Omiai, Marriage China, Doki Doki Kateihoumou, Chiharu No Fuwari, Koisuru Hot Pants and the uncensored version of Bath Secret (extremely good graphically, boring incest scenario).

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(5 MB, 19 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

This post was prepared in advance : I’ll be on holidays on the Northern Sea cost when you’ll be reading this, probably being rained on since I’m a lucky guy. I hope all goes well, however, if there’s a bug with it, you’ll have to wait for my return by the 3rd of august. Merry holidays to you !

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15 years ago

Come on Oliver, you read Jojo and think that is a useless super-power? ZA WORLDO!!!

15 years ago

pretty awesome super power if you ask me haha.

15 years ago

Thanx Oliver.

15 years ago

I’ve read this awhile back, the fallout after her power wears off is classic, lol.

Deh Sue
Deh Sue
15 years ago

I lol’d hard at this one.
Still, the censors were brutal

15 years ago

If you could stop time for any period, you could do some epic shit. Like rob a bank and they would never know. All you would have to do is figure out how to rob a bank in 73 minuets after not stopping time for one year, or using a pause time to get past security to figure out the codes and get keys to the vault. I would totally rob a bank…

lol my security code was daring HAT.

15 years ago

Or you could go to you local jewelry store and sell all the now stolen gold to a pawn shop. It’s easy and less obvious than a now stolen bank. One could also pause and play till you have a few people’s ATM pin’s and go all out there. Either way robbing the bank would be easy but harder to spend the cash.

15 years ago

Check out this guys ,it’s called Girl’s Kamasutra by Taylor. Interesting read for anyone.

15 years ago

Gah, this is very lol worthy… the censors, however, simply remove the fap worthiness.
Good post though! Thanks :)

13 years ago

Pixelated genitals, ah it burns! Stopping time for 12 sec. 12sec is an eternity, empires have fallen in half that time.

Thanks for the upload.

9 years ago

The actual title is Seiyoku Zenkai Musume (Watch Women) and a decensored version can be found at