Mini-pack of two works by Udon-Ya [English, 52 pictures] : Agitated Breasts and Black X Gold (decensored, Fate doujinshi)
Full with great humor and good drawings, here is a mini-pack of 2 quality hentai works by Udon-Ya, I hope you’ll like them This mini-pack contains Agitated Breasts (I won’t summarize it, I’d hate to spoil you the hilarious scenario) and an uncensored Fate Stay Night doujinshi, Black X Gold, also containing great sex and adorable comedy shots
(For more, please refer to The Updated List of Udon-Ya’s Works on HentaiRules)
UPDATE : FYI, the short work Agitated Breasts has been integrated in Maid Bride (trust me it’s totally worth it !)
Update ! :Â “Agitated Breasts” is now part of “Maid Bride“, go here to get the whole thing!
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(19 MB, 52 pictures, English)Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
nice…!!!thanks for the share.. enjoy your holiday…
Excellent choice of preview pic, by the way. ^_^
Udon-Ya!!! Yay!
Many thanx Oliver. Lovely stuff.
hey so important stuff!!
why did i have to wait a few days for these?
thx though
I have the plushie version of that Saber!
The first one was great. I prefer the main female character to have little boobs over big ones. Although I would’ve liked to have seen more love… “My tits become erect when he is fucking my pussy” isn’t very romantic XD
But still, nice share, thanks!
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