Yandere Girl Giving Fellatio All Night Long [English], by Kirintei

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 5 comments
Tags: yandere
A girl completely obsessed with cock sucking Yandere Girl… is sort of refreshing : the story has no scenario, doesn’t last long enough to risk to become complicated, this is simply about a yandere girl crazy for cock sucking, with a reallycrazy/insane/lost expression on her face, nothing more, nothing less :)By Kirintei, I also share a great IdolMaster doujin, take a look too !

By Kirintei, I also share Ane Sora Moyou, Gochisousama Wa Kikoenai, Mina No Off Kai, Aigan Ningyou To Kako Ni Torawareta Kanojo, Tanetsuke Oji-san No JC Sennou Appli, Tsukasa Blog (decensored) + Aishite Yamanai Shoujo and Yukiho’s Tea has a Taste of Love. And there’s the Favorite Memories case, a non-yandere, non-fucked-up one o_O

To my GREAT regret, the story doesn’t show a girl making a fellatio last all night long. The agony cries from the man at the end of the night would have surely been worth it :lol:

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15 years ago

The main deposit file link, and both mirrors (easy share and sharing matrix ) no longer have the file uploaded.

15 years ago

Sorry to tell you this, Oliver, but all links appear to be dead.

14 years ago

just adding to the above posts, all the links are dead