Ai Yori Aoshi hentai doujin [English]: Secret File 5 Next 5, by Studio Wallaby

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 7 comments
Ai yori Aoshi english hentai

Don’t trust names when it contains “studio”. That studio can contain various artists with very different styles and talent !

Take Studio Wallaby, who has made my beloved Fuwafuwarin serie, and who made, years later, the current doujin. Saigado Comics too is made of various artists inside but it’s a different case, they are geniuses ;)

Here’s a decent Ai Yori Aoshi english hentai doujin, to summarize :D Ai Yori Aoshi is a romantic anime with an respectable level of fan-service that I liked a lot.

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(13 MB, 35 pictures, English)

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This doujin features Kaoru taking his wife Ai to an orgy party in which he and she will have sex with other students and with his other female friends, Tina (blonde american, big tits), Taeko (maid, enormous tits) and Mayu (archetypical japanese teen). To be honest, I wish I had a better Ai Yori Aoshi englis translated hentai doujin to share, but alas – no, I didn’t have another english good one.

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17 years ago

Hi there.

Thanks for this doujin. I have some Ai Yori Aoshi doujins but they are all in Japanese. I liked the anime series although I admit the plot was quite simple/standard (it’s a harem anime anyways).

One thing: In the galery you wrote ‘Studio Wallaby, Ai Iori Aoshi, Secret File Next 05 [English]’. It should read ‘Studio Wallaby, Ai Yori Aoshi, Secret File Next 05 [English]’

17 years ago

u really have BIG complains there =)

nice thing anyways thx dude

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Aaaargh, I was thinking of I”s (Iori Ioshizuki), one of the heroines of the other doujin by Studio Wallaby shared on hentairules :(

Worst thing is that the URL of the gallery will be modified if I change the name <_<

Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson
17 years ago

I have a few AI Yori Aoshi doujins that need translating if you would be willing to translate them, they are at

Richard Hudson
Richard Hudson
17 years ago

I have a lot of Ai Yori Aoshi doujins in japanese at

Can you find somone to translate them?

15 years ago

I will have to agree, Ai Yori Aoshi was a very enjoyable anime.

13 years ago

its dead nooooooooooooo