FLCL hentai doujinshi [English] : Heavenly 8, by Takuma Harazaki

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 3 comments

The scenario of FLCL (aka Fuli Culi Kururin, or Fooly Cooly in the US) has never made more sense, nor does the scenario of that FLCL hentai doujin, nevertheless there is great hentai art and that’s what really matters :D
That doujin has been translated by ZeroXLancelot of http//orange-kun.blogspot.com, thanks for the great choice :)

By the same artist, Takuma Harazaki, I already share the 5 volumes of Golden Stage and the english-translated 174 great pages of Shell.

For more works by this artist, please see My Takuma Harazaki Redirection Page

Takuma Harazaki draws young thin teens having rough straight and anal sex, mostly. There’s two zip links and a pictures gallery.

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery (or the backup gallery)

Here comes the zip link! Help yourselves! ^^
(4 MB, 19 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative :
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

I think that I’ll share more works by Takuma Hazaraki in a close future, for instance, why not, his Cowboy Bebop doujin… Yeah, I like the idea :D
If you have ENGLISH versions of his other works, I’d be very interested, share the info or the links in a comment :)

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16 years ago

you never added that rapidshare mirror, ya know?

15 years ago

Why are all the links in old posts going to some spam site?

14 years ago

Links are dead.