Evangelion splendid doujin, Re-Take 1-2-3-0-4-After [English, 656 pictures], by Kimigabuchi

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By Oliver AKA The Admin on 145 comments
Tags: Evangelion

superb evangelion re-prise

(full-screen version of the picture above: here)

This is the complete Re-Take serie, english-translated, by Kimigabuchi, an Evangelion hentai “reprise” and sequel, and the most convincing “real” ending I have seen to Evangelion so far.

(update, 3rd of July 2013: new zip and gallery links. Enjoy! ^^)
(remember to view the updated list of all Kimigabuchi’s works on hentairules)

OK, that was the summary for readers in a hurry and for Holy Search Engine Optimization (aka “wtf why do I still have a pagerank zero”). Now comes the real talking, move to the links after it if you simply want to leech pr0n and fap without caring about the story behind the pictures.
To say it fast, this is a rewrite of how Evangelion ended. Consider the 26 episodes and the movie The End of Evangelion have really taken place, but yet, Shinji is given a chance to start over – the “chance” term might be hazardous, because he is trapped in a “time loop”, forced to relive events promised to end tragically by his fate, unless… unless… just read it, ‘k? :D Of course, it’s a hentai remake, Asuka even gets pregnant!

I feel a bit like an old geezer writing this, but the days where I was an evangelion fan are now very far in the past. Now, I realize the story of Evangelion was just a bunch of various theories glued together without any intention to have a real meaning, just in order to fascinate otakus and rip them off their cash for goodies for their whole life. Yet, I don’t feel ashamed having been a fan and having spent such a long time discussing that serie with friends, thinking about NGE, because those were still good times, and that was enternaining, after all.
Even though, the ending of the 26 episodes and of the movie the End of Evangelion were frustrating. Great pachebels, Komm Susser Todd, and mecha slaughtering, that doesn’t compensate the senseless ending.

When I read this long doujin, I thought “hey, THAT is the real ending of Evangelion, now that’s almost clear and that makes sense!“. Besides, that is a sensible story, this doujin… Moving, both painful and comforting with warm feelings. I felt happy and relieved to have read that story, and thankful to the artist who made it, that’s very rare, I feel it was worth saying. Now, I feel Neon Genesis Evangelion is really over (and I have stopped hating Gainax for releasing a cash-machine with an unfinished plot ;) )…
Oh well, just read it, will you? Maybe I’m too emotive, but I am really proud to have seen an ending to Evangelion.

Summary: Imagine Shinji waking up while there are still a handful of Angels left, and remembering a weird dream in which the whole world died turning into Tang(R), letting only him strangling Asuka under the gaze of Rei’s scary gigantic eyes, on the side of a blood-red sea… Wimp as he may be, he would certainly act another way in order to avoid this… But such a fate is hard to avoid, this could be more precisely an infinite loop during which the same story would repeat indefinitely, each time the universe ends on the verge of that blood-red sea, a new one starting again, until Shinji finds salvation or loses both sanity and life… Rha, how could I summarize, it, I give up >_< Just keep in mind the ending is worth it and there are some splendid drawings, hentai and non-hentai.

The hentai content isn’t very big as compared to my usual uploads, but rest assured Asuka deserves her red-haired bitch reputation.

Re-Take 1 (27 MB, 107 pictures, English)
Complete Pictures Gallery
Zip links: Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3

Re-Take 2 (17 MB, 98 pictures, English)
Complete Pictures Gallery
Zip links: Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3

Re-Take 3 (52 MB, 93 pictures, English)
Complete Pictures Gallery
Zip links: Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3

Re-Take 0 (16 MB, 58 pictures, English)
Despite the title, Re-Take zero takes place between Re-Take 3 and Re-Take 4.
Complete Pictures Gallery
Zip links: Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3

Re-Take 4 (66 MB, 192 pictures, English)
Complete Pictures Gallery
Zip links: Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3

Re-Take After (88 MB, 108 pictures, English)
Complete Pictures Gallery
Zip links: Mirror #1 – Mirror #2 – Mirror #3

Edit: hey, someone’s made a video from it, on Youtube, on THAT page :D

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17 years ago

Wow! I’m only at chapter 3 and I’m hooked, doubt I should be watching/reading these at my age, but I don’t care! these a GREAT

17 years ago

sup, thanx for the uploads but I think part 2 and 3 needs fixing, so far it says temporary unavailable, so its a heads up. ill check later.

17 years ago

I checked and there has been a few dozens download in the night for each of the Re-Take episodes, so I suppose the links work. It indeed resumes to the “try again” usual suggestion ;)

17 years ago

Thank you very much! I was under the impression for the longest time that the Re-Take series only had 3 volumes. So you can imagine that I feel a lot of closure from finishing the series. I wholeheartedly agree with your opinion; I believe this is quite well done.

17 years ago

3 and 4 arent working

17 years ago

I just tested, Zechs, and they have worked, I think you may have been unlucky and tried at the wrong time, or something like that. Try again :)

17 years ago

Oh, BTW, Zyph, i’m glad you appreciated that story too. I felt so “relieved” to have found a real ending to Evangelion…
That also shows that hentai is also a form of art, just just pornographic pictures ;)

17 years ago

I’ve been wanting to commend you Oliver for a superb site, it’s rare to find others that actually take the time to research their material in regards to the hentai they upload.

I was skeptical with this doujinshi, but as an avid EVA fan this was fabulous work. Wished they used this artist to write the new movies for EVA later this year.


17 years ago

I first glanced across this set by chance while browsing for hentai of NGE, one of may favorite series. When I read it, I truly felt like the series got the ending it deserved(though to be fair to Gainax, they did have their share of problems just getting the series to 26 episodes).

Though I love hentai, especially when it has Rei in it(of which there isn’t much in this set), I love Re-Take because of the excellence of the story. Thanks for giving me a place to download it.

17 years ago

…I haven’t cried in a long time. Seriously, this is the first thing that’s made me cry in over six years. It’s the only manga (or dojin) that’s ever made me cry. Thank you so much for uploading this.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is finally over, after so many years…I thought it’d never end.

The way certain things changed in that world? Perfect. You can actually understand what’s going on without it taking away from the insanity, or uniqueness, of the original series. They all still had their quirks, though to a lesser degree, loved the ending.

17 years ago

sweet thanks man good doujin :D

17 years ago

Thanks a lot. A lot of people say this doujin is far inferior to the original. Of course it’s not the same but it just feels like “the way it could/should had been” and that’s enough for me (and for many others, it seems).

Hell, I’m elitist enough to prefer the series’ ending to the movies and still, I really enjoyed re-take. It’s like meeting with old friends again. So thanks again for taking the time to put this up, even if depositfiles is slow as f**k!

17 years ago

I came across this randomly on a torrent site and went on the link, although its a doujin, the story was amazing, the arts magnificent too, i hope that the rebuild of Eva is good but it won’t be dubbed anytime soon, but hopefully there is subbers, evangelion was always one of my favourite anime and this revived it!!

EVA s2
EVA s2
17 years ago

Yeah..Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of my favourite anime…but the ending of both eps 25 and 26 and End Of Evangelion left me disturbed and confused…to say the least. I’ve read the ‘Ja-Ja-Japan’ doujin made by these guys…they’re really great and this deserves to be canon with the actual series ^_^

17 years ago

These doujins are certainly among the best doujins out there, they give sensible continuity to the originals and have great art! Definitely a must-read for all the eva fans…..and any homo sapiens left on eArTH ^^

17 years ago

This is fate!

I just finished re-watching the series on tv-links!

Again, I hate the ending, hopefully this will save my sanity :D

Plus it’s HENTAI! Who doesn’t like eva hentai?

17 years ago

My god!
This shit is good! It’s fucking well made, not the usual fap-fap-fap stuff you have but god damn it this is a well written story with very very good drawing style to boot.
certainly ties up the loose ends the series had.


17 years ago

Heh, thanks for the appreciation :)

About the fap-fap-fap stuff i’m sharing, you know, this is not a philosophical board here, but a hentai blog, and basically hentai has been drawn for one major purpose :D
– even if I try to offer quality files, interesting stuff when I can. Like here.

17 years ago

I download at work, sue me.

But here's something more pathetic.
The day after I finish downloading ALL the volumes of this, they had to reformat the PC I was used.
Obviously the collection was hidden, so…

17 years ago

Aw, that sucks :(
Too bad for you dude :(

17 years ago

Awsome. I had downloaded the first 4 volumes at 4chan, but didn’t realize there was an “After” volume.

FINALLY, we got an ending, and an extremely well written, well drawn, and meaninful one at that.

Sure, there ain’t much in the way of hentai, but this whole series is just one of the best doujinshi ever.

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Good evangelion doujinshi, yeah there are (I share a few online, you can search “evangelion” or “nge” in the upper left search field). But scenario-wise, none reaches the quality of the Re-Take serie…

At least, i’m glad more people can discover the great Re-Take serie, it’s really worth it :)

17 years ago

hey admin… thanks for sharing this great doujin!

the conclusion of evangelion that i saw years ago definitely left a bad taste in my mouth, but this series was a wonderfully well-made alternative that has *finally* given me some closure to the whole ordeal. it even managed to awaken some old emotions about the series that i had felt when i was younger~

i doubt that there is much out there that could top this, but if you know of any other good evangelion doujins that you have enjoyed, h or not, i’d love to read them

thanks again

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Well, the problem with the white line is that it should contain stuff, we can’t just paste the left and right part together, I think you see what I mean.

And I guess the original manga was like that, so there’s no hoping a genius at picture editing will make that.

However, maybe there were promotional pictures of it released, somewhere ? Who knows, I hope we finally find some :)

17 years ago

Really enjoyed it. But i was wondering if anyone has a wallpaper of the first image; where Asuka and Shinja are resting on the concrete, with fingers together.

The image is from re-take 4 but, unfortunately the image isn’t complete; it has a white line down middle.

Would appreciate anything, since i can hardly find any wallpapers of that image.

17 years ago

i think your retake after is dead cause i tryed to download it this morning and it wouldn’t let me through to the websites

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

I tested and it just worked for me.

Will you make another test, maybe ? Sometimes it doesn’t work, sometimes it does…

17 years ago

i have to say i was a big fan of the evangelion series but i was let down with the ending of it because it gave me little to no closure to the story line. the re take however i am not a fan of hentai gave me more of a enjoyment to the series and a great deal more closure to the series and i throuly enjoyed it

17 years ago

Good work……Thank you….

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Well, Mell, I tried every link and they all seemed to be pointing to the right files and locations oO

I think the server behind 9hz might have been undergoing a temporary maintenance, can you try again ?

9hz isn’t the real file adress but a redirection system that I use, it is highly convenient, when I have to do a reupload I just have to edit the redirection adress in my 9hz control panel, instead of having to edit the blog notes, that would take ten times longer.

Tell me if it works now, OK ? ;)

17 years ago

Finally something that gives me a much better view then that crappy ending in the series, frankly the producers should take a look and this and redo it (minus the hentai of course although that would be unfortunate.) But I’m pretty sure they would get much better reviews then what they slapped together, damn thing left me absolutely frustrated.

Edge Crusnik
Edge Crusnik
17 years ago

Thanks for posting this. It’s one of the best I’ve read. Are there anymore up by Kimigabuchi?

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

@ Edge : yeah, there is a bit more, there is a search field in the upper-right part of the website, give it a try ;)
But you are warned, the other stories by Kimigabuch are much more sexual but their scenario isn’t as good as it was here.

BTW, I just re-read Re-Take.
And I was just as moved as the first time reading it.
Really, i’m proud to be sharing that one :D

17 years ago

mmm… i cant watch 3 & 4… when i click on the 4th, it send me here… and when i want to watch the 3th one it goes to: http://www.9hz.com/ and i cant create my own 9hz 4 some odd reason… can someone help me?? i really want to read this manga :)

17 years ago

OMG!! never mind!! it works!!^^ hahahaha, im sorry to have caused trouble XD im so stupid =)
thank u very much! i cant wait to read this, i’ve hear its really good

17 years ago

im sorry… i still cant seem to b able to read them =( thx 4 ur help though =)i think im gonna keep trying =P

17 years ago

All I have to say is … wow. This really should be published (officially anyway). Honestly it should be really considered an explict manga, not nessecarilly(sp) douj or h-manga, since the focus is on the story and not on the fap.

Much love on the Rapidsharing repost update thing.

17 years ago

yo admin.. thaxs dude for sharing… like u said.. its the boom dude.. i like drawing.. espeacialy the hentai part..hehe(im a healthy guy) =P.. keep up the gud work…

17 years ago

Hey, is just a little request, can you put them all in one zip file? these things are really hard to download when you work 13hours a day.


17 years ago


This doujin is definitely one of the best I have read and does ease the disappointment of the actual series.

But, I’m still confused on this story’s plotline. Does the story loop keep going over and over again, and then diverges at VOL 4, with, 1.) a “fake world” that continues with Shinji and his memories and Asuka w/o. Later broken, I see. 2.)The world with the Sea of Red, in the ending where Shinji stops choking the Asuka that haunts him and they rest together on the beach (an end to the infinite loop), and 3.)The world in which Shinji and Asuka have no memories, the plotline in RE-Take after?

Yeah, the last few took me for a real trip, but they were all excellent. Thanks!

17 years ago

can anyone who has the these files pls put it up on torrent??

if there is a torrent available…..active with seeders

pls post the link here to
it takes a lot of hassle to download from that site

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Wow, thanks :D

A side note folks, I added rapidshare zip download mirrors. Depositfiles sucks more and more, and only them as sources it was not possible anymore, not for a total of 262 MB of extra-quality stuff.

17 years ago

Now this makes me happy to know Neon Genesis Evangelion. The series was a true catastrophe, but this story is as heartwrenching as the original was obscene (at least, the last two episodes plus the movie). Thanks a lot to who uploaded it, he has my utmost respect.

17 years ago

Actually, in the real manga, he isn’t so much a whimp either.

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

Just a side note, folks, to say I’ve received almost regular thanks by mail for having uploaded that doujin, the Re-Take serie. That makes me proud to have had the occasion to share such a great work :)

Oliver AKA The Admin
Oliver AKA The Admin
17 years ago

The fact is the real manga was drawn 15 years later by Yuki Sadamoto, who was in the origin only one of the chara-designers, and who is now an artist losing part of his edge and reputation, and who made several changes to the original scenario. The manga is a sort of free rewrite, not much more…

17 years ago

there is something wrong with 0,4, and Last as when I download them they are not Winzip files but NET files insteadand thus I can’t extract them

17 years ago

thanks for the manga it was really touching almost made me cry.

17 years ago

Great manga man! I’ve only read the manga series of evangelion and have not have the opportunities to watch the anime. Sad to say, this doujinshi is MUCH better than the original. Shame on Ginx.
I will really like to have a copy of this great doujinshi but i cant seem to dl from rapid share and the zip download link.Rapidshare requires me to wait for 200 mins for a download and the timing seem to only increase. XD And the zip download link is really buggy. Can anyone seed a torrent or send it to me please? Thanks!

17 years ago

Found a torrent for retake!! =D But the health is pretty low though.. http://www.deadfrog.us/index.php?act=entry&id=7523

Ps: It does not have “retake after”